The Reverend Helen Douglas, a long time friend of GrassRootsReiki is at present working as a volunteer for the Society
of Friends Mission in Kuruman, South Africa, near the Kalahari Desert.
Her remit is to take care of orphaned and ill children who live at the Mission, and also to support local women who have
been raped. Many of the children have also been raped and are now infected with HIV and AIDS. The local hospital
desperately needs clothes for women and children who have been assaulted so that they can have something to wear after their
own clothing has been taken to be used as evidence in the event of any charges or court cases taking place. Most of
these women and children have to travel on foot for days sometimes to even get to a hospital in the first place. Very
few of them have a spare set of clothing that they can dress themselves in after they have received medical treatment.
The children also desperately need small items like teddy bears or other small soft toys to use in their recovery process.
Reverend Helen also needs art equipment for the therapy that is provided for the children. Drawing materials, painting
equipment, paper, and any type of material that can be used for making collages (the type of thing that nursery and kindergartens
use for small children's art activities) The art therapy is particularly good for little children who are unable to
verbalise their experiences.
Full details of items needed and mailing address etc., is available in the Files section of the GrassrootsReiki group.
There are also some photographs of some of the children who have been helped by the volunteer workers there.
If you can do anything to help please join GRR and get the details of what you can do.
(The Yahoo Group joining box is on the bottom of the Home Page of this site)