The use of symbols to send Reiki was commonplace in the 80's and 90's in 'traditional' Reiki teachings, when it was thought
that Dr Usui received these symbols during his experiences on Mt Kuryama. It is known now that the symbols are
used in many eastern traditions, and can be seen in many places of spiritual or religious significance
all over the Eastern World.
Anyone, no matter what level of Reiki they have been attuned to, or how much experience they do or do not have in Reiki
can send distant healing to any place and
any situation there is. The important thing is INTENT. If you intend to send healing - then you can.
The question of permission is also a controversial one in Reiki circles. This is something you must work out for
yourself. One the one hand there are those who say you never send without permission, and at the other extreme are those
who say that you always send whether you have permission or not.
If someone does not want Reiki, that is their right. If you send Reiki in that case, you are attempting to interfere
with someone's free will. The Reiki will not be received, and you will have been wasting your time. Is there any
chance of adding to your own karmic burden by trying to force your own will on another person? I cannot answer that
for you - you need to decide for yourself.
If someone has asked for Reiki, then there is no problem, and you can go ahead and send. Sometimes you will be
surprised to discover that the Reiki is not being received. Go figure! I cannot explain the reason for this either,
other than to speculate that it was not the right time or place to send. Most of the time though, the Reiki will flow
because it was needed and wanted.
There are other situations when you are not able to gain permission, if the person is in a coma perhaps, or you are told
of a situation some distance away and are unable to ascertain whether that person would be open to receiving Reiki from you.
In certain cases, it is reasonable to assume that Reiki would be welcomed. For instance, if it was a friend or relative
who has asked you for Reiki in the past, or who practices Reiki themselves - you might send Reiki to them with the proviso
"if it is in order that XXXXX receive Reiki" or words to that effect.
In the situation of an earthquake or similar world tragedy, many people send Reiki as soon as they hear about it.
In this case you are not interfering with anyone's individual free will, rather you are sending to the 'situation' and not
a single person.
You will hear diametrically opposed views on the ethical question of sending with and without permission. Please
think about why you would wish to send Reiki that is not wanted - and make up your own mind.